In the serological survey carried out in Delhi, 28% of the population in Central district was found affected by the novel coronavirus, which was the highest across the city. An age-wise analysis of the positive cases revealed that those in the 31-40 year bracket (21.4%) were affected the most, followed by those in the 21-30 age group (20.7%).
from Times of India
महाराष्ट्रातील चालू घडामोडी तात्काळ देणार नेटवर्क Maharashtra Darshan live News
Friday, July 31, 2020
People across India celeberate Eid al-Adha
Amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, devotees from across the country, celebrated Eid al-Adha by offering prayers at mosques and at their homes on Saturday. At Delhi's Fatehpuri Masjid, the devotees were seen offering prayers while following all Covid-19 norms.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: India's Covid tally nears 17 lakh cases
With a record single-day surge of 57,117 infections, India's Covid-19 tally reached 1,697,054 caseload today. The country's death toll now stands at 36,511, as per the government data. With coronavirus cases rising at a record speed, several states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Mizoram have extended their lockdown till August 31. Stay here for all live updates.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Advani, Joshi unlikely to attend ‘bhoomi pujan’
BJP veterans LK Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi are unlikely to attend the Ram temple ‘bhoomi pujan’ in Ayodhya. There is also no industrialist or high-profile NRI guest, as reported by a section of media, on the list of invitees for the programme to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Killer doc’s 100 victims became crocodile feed
He would perhaps have gone through life as a genteel Dr Jekyll, but a failed business investment turned ayurvedic practitioner Devender Sharma into a monstrous Mr Hyde.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Trump says he will ban Chinese app TikTok
"As far as TikTok is concerned, we're banning them from the United States,'' Trump told reporters Friday on Air Force One as he returned from Florida. Trump said he could use emergency economic powers or an executive order to enforce the action, insisting, "I have that authority.''
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPL: 'Tests' before T20 for Aussie, Eng players
The UAE government, in the middle of putting their own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in place for this year's edition, will make it compulsory for any overseas traveller arriving there to undergo a week's quarantine, including two Covid tests. These are among the multiple precautionary measures that are being planned for the tournament as the threat of the virus remains.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Happy Eid-ul-Adha 2020: Eid Mubarak Images, Quotes
Apart from sacrificing goats, it is imperative for all Muslims to begin their day with extra prayers in the morning. In fact most mosques are packed with large groups of people but this year will be different due to government restrictions.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Congress welcomes temple construction
Congress spokesman Jaiveer Shergill said, “Indian National Congress whole-heartedly welcomed and welcomes the judgment of the Supreme Court paving the path for construction of the Ram mandir.” Senior Congress member Kamal Nath has also welcomed the construction of the temple.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Burglars take just four bottles from liquor shop
Only four liquor bottles were found missing from a Tasmac shop in Mamallapuram that a group of burglars broke open on Wednesday night.
from Times of India
from Times of India
मांजरेकर BCCIला म्हणाले; मला परत घ्या, पुन्हा असे होणार नाही

मुंबई: भारतीय क्रिकेट संघातील माजी खेळाडू आणि आता समालोचक म्हणून भूमिका पार पाडणारे यांनी बीसीसीआयला एक मेल पाठवला आहे. या मेलमंध्ये त्यांनी आयपीएलच्या समालोचकांच्या पॅनलमध्ये समावेश करण्याची विनंती केली आहे. बीसीसीआयने मार्च महिन्यात त्यांना समालोचकांच्या पॅनलमधून हटवले होते. भारत आणि दक्षिण आफ्रिका यांच्यात मार्च महिन्यात वनडे मालिका होती. ही मालिका कोरनामुळे रद्द करण्यात आली. पण त्याआधी मांजरेकर यांना समालोचक पदावरून हटवण्यात आले. आता मांजरेकरांची इच्छा आहे की त्यांचा पुन्हा समावेश करण्यात यावा जेणेकडून १९ सप्टेंबर ते ८ नोव्हेंबर या काळात होणाऱ्या आयपीएलमध्ये ते कॉमेंटरी करू शकतील. वाचा- मांजरेकरांनी बीसीसीआयला एक मेल पाठवला आहे. या मेलची प्रत टाइम्स ऑफ इंडियाला मिळाली आहे. यात माजी क्रिकेटपटूने बोर्डाला आश्वासन दिले आहे की, यापुढे बीसीसीआयचे नियम पाळेन. विशेष म्हणजे याबाबत मांजरेकरांनी बोर्डाला पाठवलेला हा दुसरा इमेल आहे. काय म्हणतात मांजरेकर.... आदरणीय सदस्य, आशा आहे की तुम्ही सर्व जण ठीक असाल. तुम्हाला याआधीही माझा इमेल मिळाला असेल. ज्यात मी समालोचक म्हणून काम करण्याबाबत माझी भूमिका स्पष्ट केली होती. आता आयपीएलच्या तारखांची घोषणा झाली आहे आणि बीसीसीआय टीव्ही लवकरच कॉमेंटरी पॅनलची निवड करेल. तुमच्याद्वारे निश्चित केलेल्या नियमानुसार काम करण्यास मला नक्की आवडेल. अखेर मी तुमच्या प्रॉटक्शनच्या नियमानुसार काम करतो. गेल्या वेळी कदाचीत मला या नियमांची पूर्ण माहिती नव्हती. धन्यवाद. वाचा- या संदर्भात आम्ही संजय मांजरेकर यांच्याशी संपर्क करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला पण ते प्रतिक्रिया देण्यासाठी उपलब्ध झाला नाही. काय झाले होते गेल्या वर्षी वर्ल्ड कप स्पर्धेत संजय मांजरेकर यांनी रविंद्र जडेजासंदर्भात एक वक्तव्य केले होते. त्यानंतर टीम इंडियातील काही खेळाडूंनी बीसीसीआयकडे तक्रार केली होती. त्यानंतर मांजरेकर यांना कॉमेंट्री पॅनलमधून हटवण्यात आले होते. वाचा- यासंदर्भात बीसीसीआयच्या एका अधिकाऱ्याने सांगितले की, आम्ही ही गोष्ट इथेच संपवत आहोत आणि मांजरेकरांना माफ करतोय. त्यांनी जडेजा संदर्भात केलेले वक्तव्यावर माफी मागितली आहे आणि संबंधित खेळाडूने देखील हे प्रकरण संपल्याचे सांगितले. मांजरेकरांनी समालोचक म्हणून नियमांचे पालन करणार असल्याचे सांगितले आहे. एक चांगले क्रिकेटपटू आणि समालोचक म्हणून त्यांची क्रिकेटबद्दल समज चांगली आहे. आता याबाबत अंतिम निर्णय अध्यक्ष सौरव गांगुली आणि सचिव जय शहा हेच घेतील.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Rs 3,000/vial Remdesivir sold for Rs 12,000 in TN
Anti-viral drug Remdesivir, much in demand to treat Covid-19 infections, is being sold at more than three times its price in Tamil Nadu as unscrupulous agents resort to profiteering during the pandemic. Vials worth Rs 3,000 and Rs 5K plus GST is sold for Rs 12,500 to Rs 13,000 in the black market. Though govt hospitals have adequate stocks, private hospitals face a shortage.
from Times of India
from Times of India
How these Colombians burgled 31 houses in B'luru
Interrogation of three Colombian nationals — with the help of a Kannada-Spanish translator — over four months has enabled cops to crack 31 cases of burglary and recover stolen booty worth Rs 2.6 crore. The two men are Parkour traceurs, who along with their female associate were arrested in March. The accused came to India in September 2019 through Nepal on tourist visa.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Farmer’s trial bears fruits, apples blossom in Kutch
If its dates have filled you with sweetness, now let a Kutchi apple a day help you keep all ailments at bay. No, don’t read the sentence again as apple farming is indeed being experimented by a farmer in arid Kutch’s Nakhatrana region.
from Times of India
from Times of India
UK scientists to immunize hundreds with vaccine
"It's well tolerated.There aren't any side effects," he said, adding it was still very early in the study.
from Times of India
from Times of India
China testing to see if countries 'push back': US
"Claims that they have now made for real estate in Bhutan, the incursion that took place in India, these are indicative of Chinese intentions, and they are testing, they are probing the world to see if we are going to stand up to their threats and their bullying,” US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said. China has the desire to expand its power and reach, he added.
from Times of India
from Times of India
In India, a diminished Nissan bets big on Magnite
By any measure, Nissan Motor Co Ltd has had a dreadful run in India. A push to revive its lower-end Datsun brand flopped, sales have slumped 60% over the past five years and its sole plant in the country is operating way below capacity.
from Times of India
from Times of India
‘No language will be imposed, states to decide on medium of instruction’
Children will be exposed to different languages early on but with a particular emphasis on the mother tongue, starting from the foundational stage onwards. All languages will be taught in an enjoyable and interactive style, said Union minister Ramesh Pokhriyal.
from Times of India
from Times of India
NEP language policy broad guideline: Govt
The government said that NEP reiterates the RTE Act’s 29 (2) (f) provision that mother tongue be considered a medium of instruction where possible. NEP, while laying emphasis on promotion of Indian languages, does not make any language compulsory.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rajasthan: 'If 30 MLAs gone, it would be tough'
A video of a conversation between Speaker C P Joshi and chief minister Ashok Gehlot's son Vaibhav has gone viral in which Joshi was heard talking about a close shave of the government. The speaker was heard saying that if 30 MLAs had gone, the situation would have been tough.
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPL in UAE may see more players and less staff
An IPL franchise generally has 25-28 players in its squad and at least 10-15 members in support staff besides the executives. TOI understands that each IPL franchise will have to organize its own bio-bubble upon reaching UAE about month ahead of the tournament. In that case, limiting the squad could be a bone of contention.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Excessive c-sections cost Rs 5,000crore/year
An analysis of the data reveals that 28.5 lakh more caesarean sections were done in private hospitals across the country in 2018 than the acceptable international ratio of normal to caesarean births. The average extra cost of each such procedure comes to about Rs 18,000. This means that the 28.5 lakh extra caesarean deliveries cost a total of Rs 5,130 crore.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Varalakshmi Vratam fasting rules, puja kit, vrat vidhi
Varalakshmi Vratam fasting rules are very strict and this vrat is mostly observed by married woman (sumangalis) for the well being of their husband, children, and other family members.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Cognizant’s headcount drops by 10,500
Cognizant’s number of employees at the end of the second quarter dropped to levels last seen at the end of 2018 as the company embarked on a massive cost cutting programme leading to a firing of about 7,000 employees.
from Times of India
from Times of India
TN Board 11th result to be released today
TN plus one result 2020 to be released today i.e., July 31, 2020. Along with the TN DGE’s website, the TN plus one result 2020 will be available on the following websites —,,, and
from Times of India
from Times of India
No language will be imposed on anyone: Pokhriyal
Children will be exposed to different languages early on but with a particular emphasis on the mother tongue, starting from the foundational stage onwards. All languages will be taught in an enjoyable and interactive style, said Union minister Ramesh Pokhriyal.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Disband panel probing killing of Dubey: PIL in SC
A Mumbai-based advocate-cum-PIL petitioner on Thursday moved the Supreme Court seeking disbanding of the inquiry commission formed to look into the encounter killings of gangster Vikas Dubey . Ghanshyam Upadhyay filed an application alleging bias against both Justice Chauhan and ex-DGP K L Gupta.
from Times of India
from Times of India
38 yrs on, SC clears man accused of adulteration
Prem Chand, now 76 years old, was charged after sample of haldi (turmeric) taken from his shop in a village in Sonepat district in 1982 by a food inspector along with a medical officer was found adulterated. The report of the public analyst revealed that it contained four living meal worms and two liveweevils.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Cognizant sees Q2 profit down; new CFO appointed
Cognizant saw its net profit down 29% at $361 million in the second quarter ended June, as compared to $509 million in the same quarter last year. This is due to Covid-19 and ransomware attack impact.
from Times of India
from Times of India
माजी कर्णधाराची क्रिकेट पाकिस्तान.कॉम मुलाखत; BCCIने बंदी का घातली होती माहित नाही

कराची: मॅच फिक्सिंग प्रकरणी आजीवन बंदीला सामोरे गेलेला भारताचा माजी कर्णधार याने बीसीसीआयने माझ्यावर का बंदी घातली होती याचे उत्तर अद्याप मिळाले नाही, असे म्हटले. बीसीसीआयने डिसेंबर २००० साली अझरूद्दीवर आजीवन बंदी घातली होती. क्रिकेट पाकिस्तान.कॉम ला दिलेल्या मुलाखतीत अझरूद्दीने सांगितले की, मोठ्या न्यायालयीन लढाईनंतर आंध्र प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालयाने २०१२ साली माझ्यावरील बंदी हटवली. जे काही झाले त्यासाठी मी कोणाला दोषी देत नाही. माझ्यावर बंदी का घालण्यात आली याचे उत्तर आजही मिळाले नाही. वाचा- बंदीच्या निर्णयानंतर मी त्या निर्णयाविरुद्ध लढण्याचे ठरवले. मला आनंद होतोय की १२ वर्षानंतर मी त्यातून मुक्त झालो. हैदराबाद क्रिकेट संघाचा अध्यक्ष झाल्यानंतर बीसीसीआयच्या वार्षिक बैठकीत सहभागी होताना मला खुप आनंद झाल्याचे अझरने सांगितले. भारताकडून ९९ कसोटीत ६ हजार १२५ आणि ३३४ वनडेत ९ हजार ३७८ धावा करणाऱ्या अझरचे नाव २०१९ साली राजीव गांधी आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट स्टेडियमवरील एका स्टॅडला देण्यात आले आहे. वाचा- भारताकडून १०० कसोटी सामने खेळता न आल्याबद्दलचे दुख: नसल्याचे तो म्हणाला. मला वाटते की जे नशिबात असते तेच मिळते. मला वाटत नाही की ९९ कसोटी सामने खेळण्याचा माझा विक्रम कोणी मोडू शकेल. कारण चांगला खेळाडू १००हून अधिक कसोटी नक्की खेळेल. वाचा- मी जेव्हा खराब फॉममध्ये होतो तेव्हा पाकिस्तानचे महान फलंदाज जहीर अब्बास यांनी मला मार्गदर्शन केले होते. तशाच पद्धतीने मी देखील युनिस खान याची मदत केली होती. १९८९च्या पाकिस्तान दौऱ्यात माझी निवड झाली नव्हती. कारण माझा फॉम खराब होता. तेव्हा कराचीत मी सराव करत असताना अब्बास यांनी माझी अडचण विचारली. त्यांनी मला ग्रिपमध्ये थोडा बदल करण्यास सांगितला. मी त्यानुसार बदल केल्यानंतर धावा झाल्या, असे अझर म्हणाला.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Covid vaccine by Russia to be available by Aug 10
As the race for the coronavirus vaccine intensifies, Russia is planning to launch the world's first coronavirus vaccine for public use within two weeks, despite safety and efficacy concerns, says a report.
from Times of India
from Times of India
1 Khandala Valley Luxury second homes
Most home buyers living in metro cities today pine for a lifestyle that is away from the concrete jungle yet near to their place of work. The recent Covid-1...
from Times of India
from Times of India
Sushant Singh case: Mumbai police is helping Rhea
Sushant Singh Rajput’s family’s lawyer Vikas Singh has reportedly alleged that somebody in the Mumbai police is helping actress Rhea Chakraborty in late actor's case.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Modi kept 1991 vow to return & build temple'
A photograph purportedly dating back to 1991 has gone viral on social media, showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi standing alongside BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi supposedly in Ayodhya
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPL final likely to be postponed from Nov 8 to 10
The IPL governing council is contemplating postponing the date of the tournament’s final from Nov 8 to 10 and allow its stakeholders – especially broadcaster Star India – to make further use of the Diwali week. A final decision in this regard will be taken when the GC meets in the next three days. If the delay is confirmed Indian team will fly for Aus after IPL from UAE.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Bengal Congress president Somen Mitra dies at 78
West Bengal Congress president Somen Mitra passed away at a city hospital in the early hours of Thursday. He was 78. Sources at the private hospital where Mitra was admitted to said he died due to heart and age-related ailments. Mitra passed away around 1.30 am. The hospital said he had tested negative for COVID-19. Mitra is survived by his wife and son.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Yes Bank to take over HQ of Anil Ambani
Yes Bank, which faced a crisis in March this year on account of bad debts, has substantial loans due from the Anil Ambani group, to which it had an exposure of close to Rs 12,000 crore. In the last two decades, the Anil Ambani group expanded aggressively in new businesses raising high levels of debt.
from Times of India
from Times of India
88% of workers in India prefer work from home
As high as 88% of the workforce in India prefer to have the flexibility of working from home and 69% believe their productivity has increased while working remotely, as per a survey by SAP Concur, an expense management firm. The percentage in India saying productivity has increased is the highest in the Apac region.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: BSP challenges merger of 6 MLAs with Cong
Ashok Gehlot government on Tuesday sent yet another proposal — its third since July 23 — to governor Kalraj Mishra, who a day earlier had advised the government to follow three points, including serving a 21-day notice to legislators before calling the session.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Sushant's family lawyer's revelation about Police
Sushant Singh Rajput’s father KK Singh filed an FIR against the late actor’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. The FIR was filed in Patna. Quoting the lawyer ANI shared, “FIR registered now as family was in shock & Mumbai Police wasn't registering FIR, but forcing them to give names of big production houses & get them involved. It was heading in a different direction: Vikas Singh, Ex-Addl Solicitor General & lawyer of #SushantSinghRajput's father.”
from Times of India
from Times of India
महिला क्रिकेटपटूचा घटस्फोट; मुरली विजय झाला ट्रोल

नवी दिल्ली: सोशल मीडियावर नेटिझन्स कधी, कोणाला, कशासाठी ट्रोल करतील याचा नेम नाही. एका महिला क्रिकेटपटूचा घटस्फोट झाला. त्यावरून सोशल मीडियावर भारताचा क्रिकेटपटू मुरली विजयला लोकांनी ट्रोल करण्यास सुरूवात केली. विशेष म्हणजे ही महिला क्रिकेटपटू भारतीय नाही तर ऑस्ट्रेलियाची आहे आणि घटस्फोटाच्या घटनेशी मुरलीचा काहीही संबंध नाही. जाणू घेऊयात काय आहे प्रकरण... ऑस्ट्रेलियाची आघाडीची महिला क्रिकेटपूट अॅलिसा पेरीने पती मॅट टोमुआला घटस्फोट देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून पेरी आणि मॅट यांच्या नात्यात तणाव होते. घटस्फोटाचे वृत्त सोशल मीडियावर येताच. लोकांनी भारतीय क्रिकेटपटू मुरली विजयला ट्रोल करण्यास सुरुवात केली. वाचा- काही दिवसांपूर्वी चेन्नई सुपर किंग्जच्या लाइव्ह चॅटमध्ये मुरली विजयने म्हटले ह होते की ऑस्ट्रेलियाची महिला क्रिकेटपटू सोबत डिनरला जाण्यास आवडले. विजयने आपल्याला पेरी छान वाटते असे देखील म्हटली होती. एक क्रिकेटपटू म्हणून पेरी त्याची फेव्हरेट असल्याचे विजय म्हणाला होता. मुरलीच्या या विधानानंतर सोशल मीडियावर डिनर डेटवर चर्चा रंगली होती. नंतर पेरीने देखील डिनरचा पूर्ण खर्च तुलाच (मुरली) करावा लागेल असे सांगत मुरलीची फिरकी घेतली होती. जर त्याने खर्च केला तर मी नक्कीच डेटवर जाईन, असे पेरी म्हणाली होती. वाचा- आता पेरीचा घटस्फोट होणार आहे या वृत्तानंतर अनेकांनी मुरलीचा मार्ग मोकळा झाला, अशी प्रतिक्रिया देत आहेत. मुरली आता पेरीला प्रप्रोज करू शकतो किंवा डिनर डेटला येणार का विचारू शकतो, असे युझर सोशल मीडियावर म्हणत आहेत. मुरली विजयने क्रिकेटपटू दिनेश कार्तिकच्या पहिल्या पत्नीसोबत विवाह केला आहे. आयपीएल दरम्यान कार्तिकीच पहिली पत्नी निकितासोबत विजयचे अफेअर सुरू झाले. कार्तिकला घटस्फोट दिल्यानंतर तिने विजय सोबत विवाह केला. पेरी आणि मॅट यांनी २०१५ साली विवाह केला होता. मॅट हा एक रग्बी खेळाडू आहे.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
International Tiger Day 2020: All you need to know
The International Tiger Day is celebrated on July 29 to spread awareness about the need to protect tigers which are an endangered species. Tigers have lost 90% of their natural habitat and their world population is less than 4,000. The day was marked for the first time in 2010 at the 'Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit' in Russia which aimed to double the tiger population by 2022.
from Times of India
from Times of India
57% of Mumbai slumdwellers have Covid antibodies: Sero survey
A rapid blood test conducted by the BMC on almost 7,000 people in three civic wards in the city found 57% of the people tested in slum pockets had antibodies to Covid-19 as against 16% in non-slum pockets.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Officer behind Rafale delivery a hero in Kashmir
Presently India's Air Attache in France, the native of Anantnag in Kashmir has played a key role in ensuring delivery of Rafale jets to the country. Rather, son of a retired DSP, spent all of last year weaponizing the combat aircraft to suit Indian conditions.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rohit, MSD are captains who like to listen: Raina
Suresh Raina feels that India's limited over vice-captain Rohit Sharma is the "next MS Dhoni" due to his leadership quality & the effect he has on the dressing room. "Around him (Rohit), players enjoy the intensity, they enjoy his aura. I think when you enjoy the aura of a player, you like to be positive and I think that is what he is good at. He is one of the top-most, after Dhoni," Raina said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
At 103, 1st female cardiologist is winning hearts
Now 103 and retired from active practice, Dr Padmavati was working 12 hours a day, five days a week till late 2015 at the National Heart Institute in Delhi that she founded in 1981. She still comes to the institute once or twice a week to see some of her older patients.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: 5 Rafale jets to arrive at Ambala air base
The first batch of five Rafale aircraft would be arriving in Ambala today to join the Indian Air Force (IAF) fleet. Stay here for all live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live updates: Maharashtra Class 10 results
The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) is all set to announce the results of the Maharashtra SSC annual board examinations 2020 on the official website of the Board at around 1 pm today. Students who appeared in the MSBSHSE 10th Board Exam 2020 are advised to stay connected with the to get all the latest updates on the result declaration, pass percentage, toppers list and other details.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Navy keen on 3rd aircraft carrier to retain edge
The commissioning of India’s second aircraft carrier has been delayed till September next year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. While reconciling to this setback, the Navy remains all the more keen to push its case for a third aircraft carrier as well as two new fighter squadrons to counter China’s expanding footprint in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
from Times of India
from Times of India
TikTok to government: Ready to store data locally
TikTok, the blocked Chinese app controlled by internet giant ByteDance, is understood to have told the government that the company is ready to set up data centres in India to store user information locally even as it denied any breach of user privacy and integrity, emphasising that its operations always adhered to local laws and regulations.
from Times of India
from Times of India
CBI vs CBI: Top officer hasn’t joined duty
A bench of CJI S A Bobde and Justices A S Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian asked, “How can you not join your place of posting?” His counsel Rajeev Dhavan said Bassi had challenged his “illegal” transfer to Port Blair and the court in January last year had asked him to approach the authorities against the transfer.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'BSP waited for right time to teach Cong a lesson'
Chief minister Ashok Gehlot had "unconstitutionally" merged six MLAs of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) with the Congress in Rajasthan, he did the same in his earlier tenure too, for which we wanted to teach him and his party a lesson, said BSP chief Mayawati on Tuesday. She said her party could have gone to courts earlier but decided to wait for the "right opportunity".
from Times of India
from Times of India
भारतीय क्रिकेट खेळाडूंची सॅलरी स्लिप सोशल मीडियावर; पाहा व्हायरल पोस्ट

नवी दिल्ली: यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली भारतीय क्रिकेट संघाने १९८३ सालचा वर्ल्ड कप फायनलमध्ये वेस्ट इंडिजचा पराभव करत ऐतिहासिक विजय मिळवला होता. त्यानंतर २०११ साली महेंद्र सिंह धोनीच्या नेृत्वाखाली भारताने वानखेडे मैदानावर दुसरा वर्ल्ड कप जिंकला. वर्ल्ड कप जिंकल्यानंतर बीसीसीआयकडून खेळाडूंना मोठी रक्कम बक्षिस म्हणून देण्यात आली. त्या तुलनेत १९८३ साली पहिला वर्ल्ड कप जिंकलेल्या संघातील खेळाडूंना अगदी अल्प मानधन आणि बक्षिस मिळत असे. सध्या बीसीसीआय खेळाडूंसोबत वार्षिक करार करते आणि या करारानुसार त्यांना पैसे मिळतात. याशिवाय जाहिरातीच्या माध्यमातून क्रिकेटपटू मोठी कमाई करतात. सध्या काही खेळाडू सोशल मीडियावरील पोस्टच्या माध्यमातून पैसे कमवतात. सध्याच्या करारानुसार विराट कोहली, रोहित शर्मा आणि जसप्रीत बुमराह यांना सर्वाधिक ७ कोटी इतके मानधन मिळते. वाचा- पाकिस्तानचा माजी क्रिकेटपटू याने १९८३ साली वर्ल्ड कप विजेत्या संघाचे पे-स्लिप सोशल मीडियावर शेअर केली आहे. या पे-स्लिपनुसार भारतीय संघातील प्रत्येक खेळाडूला २ हजार १०० रुपये दिले होते. ही पे-स्लिप शेअर करताना रमीझ राजाने १९८६-८७ साली जेव्हा पाकिस्तानचा संघ भारत दौऱ्यावर आला होता तेव्हा ५ कसोटी आणि ६ वनडे सामने खेळण्यासाठी ५५ हजार रुपये मिळाल्याचे सांगितले. भारताने २०११ साली दुसऱ्यांदा वर्ल्ड कप जिंकला. या विजेत्या संघातील खेळाडूंना बीसीसीआयने दोन कोटी दिले होते. पण ८३च्या विजेत्या संघातील खेळाडू इतके नशिबवान नव्हते. लता मंगेशकर यांनी नॅशनल स्टेडियमवर एक कार्यक्रम केला होता. यातून जमा झालेल्या पैशातून प्रत्येक खेळाडूला एक-एक लाख रुपये देण्यात आले होते. वाचा- १९८३ साली लॉर्ड्स मैदानावर भारत आणि वेस्ट इंडिज यांच्यात अंतिम लढत झाली. तेव्हा वेस्ट इंडिज संघाने सलग दोन वर्ल्ड कप जिंकले होते आणि ते सलग तिसऱ्या फायनलमध्ये पोहोचले होते. वेस्ट इंडिजने नाणेफेक जिंकून प्रथम गोलंदाजी करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. भारताचा डाव ५४.४ षटकात फक्त १८३ धावांवर संपुष्ठात आला. के.श्रीकांत यांनी सर्वाधिक ३८ धावा तर मोहिंदरअमरनाथ यांनी २६ धावा केल्या. त्याआधीच्या सामन्यात झिम्बब्वे विरुद्ध नाबाद १७५ धावांची वादळी खेळी करणारा भारताचा कर्णधार कपिल देव फक्त १५ धावा करून बाद झाला. तिसऱ्या विश्व विजयासाठी फक्त १८६ धावांचे लक्ष्य घेऊन मैदानात उतरलेल्या वेस्ट इंडिज संघाने जल्लोषाची तयारी केली होती. पण टीम इंडियाच्या मनात काही वेगळेच सुरू होते. वेस्ट इंडिजची पहिली विकेट ५ धावांवर पडली. त्यानंतर पुढच्या ६१ धावात वेस्ट इंडिजची अवस्था ५ बाद ६६ अशी झाली. वेस्ट इंडिजची पाचवी विकेट त्यांचा कर्णधार सर क्लाइव्ह लॉईड यांची होती. या सामन्यात कपिल देवने व्हिव्ह रिचर्ड्सचा शानदार असा कॅच घेतला होता. त्यानंतर वेस्ट इंडिजा डाव ५२ षटकात १४० धावात संपुष्ठात आला आणि भारताने ४३ धावांनी विजय मिळवत पहिल्या विजेतेपदाला गवसणी घातली. भारताकडून अमरनाथ आणि मदनलाल यांनी प्रत्येकी ३ विकेट घेतल्या होत्या.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Coronavirus Vaccine: Frontrunner Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Phase 3 trials to begin in India; vaccine may reach India sooner
from Times of India
Mughal descendant offers gold brick for Ram temple
Prince Habeebuddin Tucy, a sixth generation descendant of Mughul emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar, has got a gold brick made for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Why gold prices are rising: Key things to know
Gold prices have been ruling at unprecedented highs in India and global bullion markets as investors are preferring safe haven assets amid economic uncertainty triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Monday, July 27, 2020
Covid-19: Bengaluru’s muddled response has only added to burden
Much like in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, Karnataka’s capital city has accounted for the most number of cases and deaths in the state, only confirming projections by both government and independent agencies that had plotted the growth of the outbreak.
from Times of India
from Times of India
India readies 5 sites for Oxford vaccine trials
Five sites across the country are ready for the third and final phase of human trials of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Secretary Renu Swarup said on Monday. This is an essential step because it is necessary to have data within the country before the vaccine is administered to Indians, Swarup told PTI.
from Times of India
from Times of India
50k to 1L Covid cases: K'taka took 11 days, AP 7
The massive increase in July has resulted in the state taking fewer days to jump from 50,000 to 1 lakh when compared to Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. Karnataka, which crossed the 50,000 mark on July 16 saw the caseload double in just 11 days, while Maharashtra, which touched 50,000 cases on May 24, took 19 days and crossed the 1 lakh mark only on June 12.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Kargil martyr’s mother is MGNREGA worker
Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations have no meaning for Naik Nirmal Singh’s mother Jagir Kaur (80) whose world fell apart when she lost her son 21 years ago.
from Times of India
from Times of India
क्रिकेटपटूला आता मजूरी करावी लागणार नाही; मिळणार आर्थिक मदत

नवी दिल्ली: लॉकडाउनच्या काळात काम गेल्यामुळे टीम इंडियाचा व्हिलचेअर क्रिकेट संघाचा माजी कर्णधार यांना मजूरी करावी लागत होती. या संदर्भातील वृत्त सोमवारी समोर आले होते. या वृत्तानंतर आता स्थानिक प्रशासनाने त्यांची मदत करण्याची ठरवले आहे. धामी यांच्या अडचणी लवकरच दूर होतील. भारताच्या व्हिलचेअर क्रिकेट संघाचा माजी कर्णधार आणि सध्या उत्तराखंडचा कर्णधार असलेले राजेंद्र यांना कुटुंबाचा खर्च चालवण्यासाठी मजूरी करावी लागते. गेल्या काही महिन्यांपासून ते ज्या मुलांना क्रिकेटचे प्रशिक्षण देत होते. ते करोनामुळे येत नसल्याने त्यांचे उत्पन्नाचे साधन गेले. वाचा- घरात पैसेच शिल्लक नसल्यामुळे कुटुंबाचे पोट भरण्यासाठी अखेर राजेंद्र यांना मजुरी करावी लागली. त्यांना वयाच्या तिसऱ्या वर्षी पॅरालिसिसचा अटॅक आला. त्यामुळे ते ९० टक्के दिव्यांग झाले. पण राजेंद्र यांनी हार मानला नाही. क्रिकेटच्या मैदानावर त्यांनी नाव कमावले. इतक नव्हे तर इतिहासात विषयात एम ए आणि बीएड ही पदवी घेतली. शैक्षणिक योग्यता आणि क्रीडा क्षेत्रात देशाचे प्रतिनिधित्व केलेल्या या खेळाडूकडे करोना लॉकडाउनमुळे उत्पन्नाचे कोणते साधन नाही. राजेंद्र यांच्या परिस्थितीची बातमी जिल्हा प्रशासनापर्यंत पोहोचल्यानंतर जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांनी क्रीडा अधिकाऱ्यांना तातडीने धामी यांना आर्थिक मदत देण्याचे आदेश दिलेत. त्याच बरोबर आता त्यांना राज्य सरकारच्या एखाद्या स्वरोजगार योजनेचा लाभ दिला जाणार आहे. वाचा- सध्या त्यांची आर्थिक परिस्थिती खराब दिसत आहे. आम्ही जिल्हा क्रीडा अधिकाऱ्यांना धामी यांना तातडीने पैसे देण्यास सांगितले आहे. तसेच मुख्यमंत्री स्वरोजगार योजना अथवा अन्य कोणत्यातरी योजनेतून लाभ देण्यास सांगितले आहे. जेणेकरून ते भविष्यात उत्पन्न मिळवू शकतील, असे पिथौरागडचे जिल्हाधिकारी डॉ.विजय कुमार जोगदांडे यांनी सांगितले. लॉकडाउननंतर काही महिन्यातच परिस्थिती बिघडली. माझ्या आई-वडिलांचे वय झाले आहे. एक बहिण आणि छोटा भाऊ आहे. भाऊ गुजरातमधील एका हॉटेलमध्ये काम करत होता. पण आता त्याची ही नोकरी गेली. त्यामुळेच मनरेगा योजने अंतर्गत गावात काम करतोय, असे धामी म्हणाले होते. वाचा- या काळात कोणी मदत केली नाही का असा प्रश्न जेव्हा राजेंद्र यांना विचारला तेव्हा ते म्हणाले, काही लोकांनी मदत केली. यात सोनू सूद देखील आहेत. त्यांनी ११ हजार रुपये पाठवले. त्याशिवाय रुद्रपूर आणि पिथोरागड येथून काही लोकांनी मदत पाठवली. त्यामुळे काही दिवसांची सोय झाली.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
BCCI shares detailed plan for IPL 2020 in UAE
TOI had reported on the concerns raised by franchise owners about the arrangements being put in place for the 13th edition of the IPL. "In all these years of IPL, the responsibility of accommodation, hospitality, travel etc - during the IPL - has been of the team owners. Nothing is going to change this year. The only change will be in the SOPs with regards to Covid," GC chairman Brijesh Patel said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Flood-hit rhinos enter housing colony in Assam
A female rhinoceros and her calf were spotted on Monday looking for food in the residential area near the range office in Myung as most of the forest area is submerged in Assam’s Morigaon district.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Why buying vehicle from Aug to be more affordable
The notice orders insurance companies to stop selling long-term vehicle insurance package policies to new vehicle owners. The new rule, which comes into effect from August 1, will effectively reduce the on-road price of new cars and two-wheelers
from Times of India
from Times of India
SAS comes on-board Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY
Mumbai, July 28 2020: SAS has announced it has partnered with National Health Authority NHA , the apex government body implementing India’s flagship public ...
from Times of India
from Times of India
Moderna, Pfizer eye yr-end Covid vaccine launches
The trials, both announced on Monday, are the first late-stage studies supported by the Trump administration's effort to speed development of measures against the novel coronavirus, adding to hope that an effective vaccine will help end the pandemic.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Sunday, July 26, 2020
No decision on Rajasthan assembly session
Rajasthan Raj Bhawan returned the files related to the convening of the assembly session to the parliamentary affairs department of the state, said sources on Monday. According to sources, no decision has been taken yet on the assembly session.
from Times of India
from Times of India
K'taka unable to trace 3,000 Covid +ve patients
Even as Karnataka is struggling to contain the unprecedented spread of coronavirus, the authorities said more than 3,000 people who have tested positive in Bengaluru are “untraceable.”
from Times of India
from Times of India
60k virus vials of vaccine to be kept aside for Parsis
Billionaire industrialist Cyrus Poonawalla is believed to have agreed to set aside 60K vials of Covid-19 vaccine exclusively for the Parsi community. His son Adar, CEO and owner of Serum Institute of India, in response to a tweet, said, "Our production capacity of just one day will be enough to cover every Parsi on the planet.. given the size of our community!”
from Times of India
from Times of India
Reliance becomes world’s no. 2 energy company
Reliance Industries Ltd toppled ExxonMobil Corp to become the world’s largest energy company after Saudi Aramco, as investors piled into the conglomerate lured by the Indian firm’s digital and retail forays. Reliance, which manages the biggest refinery complex, gained 4.3% on Friday adding $8 billion to take its market value to $189 billion while Exxon Mobil erased $1 billion.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Muslim Ram bhakts on way to Ayodhya
Despite the decades-old legal battle between Hindu and Muslim plaintiffs over the Ayodhya title suit, the construction of Ram temple seems to have blurred communal lines and triggered celebrations even among Muslim devotees of Lord Ram.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Arundhati’s essay in Calicut Univ syllabus sparks row
The inclusion of ‘Come September’, a lecture delivered by writer Arundhati Roy in 2002, in the Calicut University third semester BA English syllabus has sparked a controversy, with BJP state president K Surendran terming it anti-national and demanding immediate withdrawal of the article from the syllabus demanded registering a case against those responsible.
from Times of India
from Times of India
US closes consulate in Chengdu after Houston order
The US says it has closed its consulate in Chengdu, China. China ordered the consulate closed in retaliation for a US order to shut down the Chinese Consulate in Houston last week. State Department said the consulate suspended operations on Monday and expressed disappointment at China's decision. The US would try to continue its outreach through its other missions in China.
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPL franchises have many questions, few answers
It is high time the BCCI starts sharing what it has in mind for this year's edition with the franchises at the earliest. Franchises still haven't 'officially' heard from the BCCI on the matter and there is concern among them. TOI spoke to team owners and officials to find out what are their worries.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Puri sells HDFC Bank shares worth Rs 843 crore
Aditya Puri, HDFC Bank’s managing director who’s slotted to retire in about three months, last week sold about 74 lakh shares of the bank worth about Rs 843 crore, exchange disclosures showed. This is the second instance of Puri selling HDFC Bank shares this year.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rajasthan crisis live updates: Rajasthan speaker may seek closure of SC proceedings
Changing the last minute strategy of protests under 'Save Democracy-Save Constitution' campaign in Rajasthan, state Congress PCC Chief Govind Singh Dotasara on Sunday announced that the party shall not be protesting outside Raj Bhawan in the state on Monday as proposed earlier, but the nationwide protest shall continue as per the earlier plan. Stay here for all live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Covid live: Record 50,000+ infections on Sunday
Daily Covid-19 cases in India went past 50,000 for the first time on Sunday even as the total caseload crossed 14 lakh, capping the deadliest week of the pandemic so far, when total cases grew by 28% and the death toll jumped by 19%. Stay with TOI for the latest developments
from Times of India
from Times of India
Our forces foiled Pak's plans in Kargil war: PM
On 'Kargil Vijay Diwas', Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticised Pakistan and said it undertook the misadventure with sinister plans to capture India's land and to divert its ongoing internal conflicts. "But the world witnessed the valour and strength of India's brave forces." the Prime Minister said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
WFH: Companies rejig leave policies
A silent epidemic of burnout is brewing as more than a hundred days have passed since work-fromhome employees have felt bold enough to apply for a break. Now, a bleak sense of melancholy—once reserved for Mondays—pervades their daily existence.
from Times of India
from Times of India
I am fine: Shivraj salutes corona warriors
A day after Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan tested positive for Covid-19 and was admitted to the Chirayu Hospital for treatment, Chouhan on Sunday said that he is fine and saluted the corona warriors of the state for their services.
from Times of India
from Times of India
This ‘Kargil girl’ scripted history in 1999 war zone
‘Keep your feet on the ground, your eyes on the sky’ was the quote that Flight Lieutenant Gunjan Saxena, India’s first female Air Force pilot to enter into Kargil war zone in 1999, swore by. Born in an Army family in UP, she had only one dream while growing up –to spread her wings and fly. Her father is from Badaun and mother from Etawah.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Sangakkara backs Ganguly for ICC top post
Admitting that he is a big fan of Sourav Ganguly, Kumar Sangakkara said the former India captain has an international mindset which is necessary to remain unbiased in an important position. "I think Sourav definitely can make that change. Quite a big fan of Dada not just because of his stature as a cricketer but I think he has a very astute cricket brain," Sangakkara said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Covid-19: Over 3,000 virus patients untraceable in Bengaluru
"...From the beginning till now, there have been 3,338 people whose samples at the labs returned positive but they are untraceable. We are working on addressing the issue” BBMP commissioner N Manjunath Prasad told TOI, adding that these people had given wrong information at the labs.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live updates: 21 years of Kargil Vijay Diwas
The Indian armed forces had defeated Pakistan on July 26, 1999. Since then, the day is celebrated as 'Kargil Vijay Diwas' to rekindle the pride and valour of the soldiers who took part in Operation Vijay. The day marks the victory of Indian soldiers in recapturing the mountain heights that were occupied by the Pakistani Army on July 26, 1999, known as the Kargil War. Stay with TOI for the latest updates.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Trapped in car, two girls choke to death in TN
Two girls, aged four and seven, suffocated to death after they were trapped in a car for more than two hours on Thursday in a village in Kallakurichi district. Passersby found the two children unconscious in the car parked near their house. The girls were taken to the Tirukovilur government hospital where doctors declared them dead. Police have detained the owner of the car for questioning. E Rajeshwari, 7, and A Vanitha, 4, were daughters of two farm workers from Kuladeepamangalam in the district. The incident took place on Thursday evening when they were playing on the street in front of their houses. They climbed into the car belonging to their neighbour Raja. The vehicle was earlier damaged in an accident.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Locust swarms from South Africa to enter Rajasthan'
A large number of locusts from South African countries including Somalia will enter into India in Jaisalmer-Barmer from Pakistan international border. After the warning, Jaisalmer administration has started taking preventive measures. In the coming days, agriculture department, locust control department and BSF will hold a meeting and make plan to deal with the crisis.
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPLच्या आयोजनात अडचणींचा डोंगर; BCCI 'या' गोष्टी कशा करणार?

नवी दिल्ली: बहुप्रतिक्षित IPLच्या १३व्या हंगामाच्या तारखा जाहिर झाल्या आहेत. १९ सप्टेंबरपासून युएईमध्ये आयपीएलची सुरूवात होणार असून आठ नोव्हेंबर रोजी फायनल मॅच होईल. आयपीएलच्या नियोजनासंदर्भात पुढील आठवड्यात बैठक होणार असून यात स्पर्धेचे अंतिम स्वरुप निश्चित केले जाणार आहे. सुरू होणार असल्यामुळे क्रिकेटपटू आणि चाहते यांना प्रचंड आनंद झाला असला तरी IPLच्या आयोजनाची वाट इतकी सोपी नाही. वाचा- युएईमध्ये होणाऱ्या IPLच्या आयोजनात बीसीसीआयला सर्वात मोठी अडचण येणार आहे ती लॉजिस्टिक संदर्भात. सर्व खेळाडूंना एकत्र आणण्यासाठी कमीत कमी ३ आठवडे लाणार आहेत. जर सर्व काही ठीक झाले तर स्पर्धेतील सर्व संघ ऑगस्टच्या मध्यापर्यंत युएईमध्ये पोहोचतील. अधिकतर खेळाडू गेल्या ६ महिन्यापासून क्रिकेट खेळले नाहीत आणि आयपीएलच्या तयारीसाठी त्यांच्याकडे अतिशय कमी वेळ असेल. वाचा- यामुळे होणार सर्वात मोठी अडचण या स्पर्धेसाठी भारतातून १ हजार २०० हवाई उड्डाणाची मंजूरी घ्यावी लागणार. २०० क्रिकेटपटू, मॅचसाठीचे अधिकारी, अंपायर आणि अन्य अधिकारी मिळून ४०० ते ५०० जण असतील ज्यांना युएईमध्ये घेऊन जावे लागेल. अशा परिस्थितीत फक्त भारत आणि युएई सरकारची परवानगी नाही तर परदेशी क्रिकेटपटू, अंपायर आणि सामना अधिकाऱ्यांच्या देशाची मंजूरी लागेल. सर्वांना एका ठिकाणी गोळा करणे आणि मग युएईला घेऊन जाणे. हे सर्व नियोजन कसे केले जाईल, हे पाहणे उत्सुकतेचे ठरणार आहे. वाचा- आयपीएल २००९ आणि २०१४चा काही भाग देशातून बाहेर झाला होता. क्रिकेटच्या इतिहासा असे कधीच झाले नव्हते की, कोणत्याही देशातील स्पर्धा अखेरच्या क्षणी दुसऱ्या देशात शिफ्ट केली असेल. पण भारतात २००९ साली असे झाले होते. आता करोनामुळे पुन्हा असे घडत आहे. इंग्लंडचा धाडसी निर्णय एका बाजूला संपूर्ण जगभरात क्रिकेट बंद असताना इंग्लंड क्रिकेट बोर्डाने वेस्ट इंडिज दौऱ्याचे आयोजन केले. त्यानंतर पाकिस्तान सोबत द्विपक्षीय मालिका होणार आहे. आयसीसीने टी-२० वर्ल्ड कप स्थगित केल्यामुळे आयपीएलचे आयोजन शक्य झाले.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Friday, July 24, 2020
Siddhartha’s pvt firm owns Rs 2,700 cr to CDEL
The probe into the financial troubles of Coffee Day Enterprises (CDEL), which runs the Cafe Coffee Day chain, has laid the blame on late promoter VG Siddhartha’s inability to create a profitable business model.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Ex-Microsoft exec Mukund Mohan arrested in US
Mukund Mohan, who studied computer science in Mysore University and rose to be director of engineering at Microsoft in the US before turning an entrepreneur, was arrested and charged on Thursday by the US Attorney’s office with fraudulently applying for more than $5.5 million in coronavirus relief funds.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rajasthan: Can guv delay CM advice on House?
As Rajasthan Congress MLAs sit on dharna demanding summoning of the Assembly, questions arise whether the Governor, in exercise of his powers under Article 174, could defy or delay in heeding to the advice rendered by council of ministers headed by chief minister Ashok Gehlot.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Logistics main challenge for taking IPL to UAE
IPL franchises are clear in their demand that they would like their players to assemble a minimum of three weeks before the start of the tournament and should the IPL entourage fly to the UAE even by mid-August, the players will always keep running short on time to catch-up after having played no cricket for close to six months.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Pompeo urges nations to join forces against China
What began with ping-pong diplomacy nearly 50 years ago plunged into tit-for-tat hostility this week as China retaliated on Friday to the United States’ closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston by ordering the US consulate in Chengdu to cease operations. The US firmly placed China as the new geopolitical danger to the free world, threatening a shaky global economic order.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Check Boeing 737s, airlines told after US alert
Aviation authorities will inspect the Boeing 737s of SpiceJet, Vistara and Air India Express — the three airlines that use this aircraft in India. The DGCA took this step after the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Friday issued an emergency airworthiness directive (AD) for all Boeing 737s that have not flown for seven or more days at a stretch.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: New cases surge to 49,000+, deaths to 757
Daily Covid-19 cases in the country inched closer to the 50,000 mark, with 49,000-plus fresh infections reported on Friday. The death toll also rose by a record 757 as the pandemic’s massive surge continued, with both fresh cases and deaths touching new peaks for the third day running. Stay with TOI for the latest developments
from Times of India
from Times of India
US-China conflict to impair global trade: Rajan
As the US presidential election draws near, the conflict between America and China will escalate, impairing global trade which is "extremely important" for emerging markets like India and Brazil that are re-opening amid COVID-19 pandemic, former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan has said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Babri case: 1,050 questions for Murli Manohar Joshi
As many as 1,050 questions were asked by the judge from Joshi. Denying his involvement in the alleged conspiracy with 'kar sevaks' to demolish the disputed structure in Ayodhya on December 6, 1992, BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi stressed before the special CBI court that he was completely innocent and was falsely implicated.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Covid fear sparks intimacy trouble between couples
Covid-19 is complicating marital relations, especially with couples being forced to stay cooped up indoors, say women’s helpline counsellors and sexologists.
from Times of India
from Times of India
MP: Another Cong MLA joins BJP, 3rd in 12 days
In another blow to Congress in just 12 days, Narayan Singh Patel resigned as MLA from Mandhata in Khandwa and joined BJP on Thursday. Congress is thus reduced to 89 seats in the 230-member House, and there will now be 27 bypolls in MP.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Highest single-day spike of 49,310 cases in India
India reported the highest single-day spike of 49,310 coronavirus cases on Friday, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The total Covid-19 positive cases stand at 12,87,945 including 4,40,135 active cases, 8,17,209 cured/discharged/migrated. With 740 deaths in the last 24 hours, the cumulative toll reached 30,601.
from Times of India
from Times of India
BMW X7 Dark Shadow Edition unveiled
BMW unveiled the new X7 Dark Shadow Edition. The SUV which will be limited to 500 units in production will feature a striking Frozen Arctic Grey colour scheme. The X7 special edition will also come with unique BMW Individual features and equipments.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: Raj HC to pass orders on plea of MLAs today
The Rajasthan high court is scheduled to pass its order today on the plea of sacked deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot and 18 other dissident Congress MLAs challenging the disqualification notice against them by the assembly speaker. Stay here for all live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
China tells US to close consulate in Chengdu
China on Friday ordered the United States to close its consulate in the western city of Chengdu in an increasingly rancorous diplomatic conflict. The order followed the US closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rs 2,600 crore hole in Coffee Day's books
The investigation report into Coffee Day Enterprises’s (CDEL) troubles is expected to be made public on Friday, and sources say it will red-flag the unusual spike in related-party transactions in 2018-19 between CDEL and Mysore Amalgamated Coffee Estates (MACEL), a private firm of late VG Siddhartha.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'The important part is to stay mentally strong'
In the normal course of events, today would have marked the start of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. TOI speaks to some of India's top athletes on how they have coped with circumstances.
from Times of India
from Times of India
US arrests 3 Chinese nationals for visa fraud
The FBI has arrested three Chinese nationals for visa fraud, while a fourth remains a fugitive staying at China's consulate in San Francisco. The four are believed to have been members of the military posing as researchers. The FBI has interviewed visa holders in more than 25 US cities suspected of hiding their Chinese military memberships.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Meet India’s oldest virus-hit couple of Kerala
Covid fatality has hit the ageing population, burdened with a slew of co-morbidities, the most. But not this couple from Kerala and a handful of nonagenarians from Kolkata. They all battled the virus, and won
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: Covid deaths top 30k with record rise of 750
Deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic in India crossed 30,000 and India’s toll rose to the sixth highest in the world on Thursday, even as fresh cases surged to another new high, crossing 48,000 for the first time. Stay with TOI for the latest developments
from Times of India
from Times of India
Jaguar introduces contactless in-car touchscreen
Jaguar Land Rover on Thursday announced that the automaker and the University of Cambridge have come up with a contact-less touchscreen to offer twin benefits of driver’s attention on the road and arresting the spread of bacteria and viruses in the backdrop of Covid-19.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'NE has potential to become India's growth engine'
In Tripura and Mizoram too, youth have abandoned the path of violence and the Bru-Reang refugees are now moving towards a better life, PM Modi said in his address. The prime minister noted that the government is making constant efforts to improve connectivity in the northeast region, be its highways, laying of rail tracks or upgradation of airports.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Kia Sonet SUV revealed ahead of launch on Aug 7
Kia Motors India on Thursday revealed the first official rendering of the new production-ready Kia Sonet compact SUV.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Fake: Helicopter-truck crash video not from Amritsar
A video is doing the rounds on social media platforms with a claim that a helicopter and a truck collided in Ratan Singh Chowk area of Amritsar.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Girl, 15, raped by dad, grandad, to abort pregnancy
Taking into consideration the well-being of a 15-year-old girl, who was sexually abused by her father and grandfather in Thanjavur district, which resulted in her pregnancy, the Madras high court on Tuesday allowed pregnancy termination, though the gestation period was 25 weeks.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: PM launches Manipur water supply project
Stay here for real-time updates on breaking news from India and across the world that you can't miss
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Green card wait list for Indian is over 195 yrs'
The backlog for an Indian national to get permanent residency or Green card is more than 195 years, a top Republican senator has said, urging his Senate colleagues to come out with a legislative resolution to address this problem.
from Times of India
from Times of India
China launches attempt to land rover on Mars
Tianwen-1 was launched on a Long March-5 carrier rocket from Hainan Island, a resort province off the south coast of the mainland, state media said. It marked the second flight to Mars this week, after a United Arab Emirates orbiter blasted off on a rocket from Japan on Monday. And the U.S. is aiming to launch Perseverance, its most sophisticated Mars rover ever, from Cape Canaveral, Florida, next week.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Visitors return to travel hotspots after lockdowns lifted
Visitors return to travel hotspots after lockdowns lifted
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: With 45k+ cases, tally crosses 12l-mark
The Covid-19 tally in India rose to 1,238,635 today after the country witnessed a huge spike of over 45,720 in the count of new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours. Record 1,129 people succumbed to the fatal disease, with which the death toll increased to 29,861. Stay with TOI for the latest developments.
from Times of India
from Times of India
AI sets up panel to pick staff to be sent on leave
National carrier Air India has started the process of identification for redundant or surplus employees in the company to be sent on compulsory leave without pay (LWP) for a period from six months up to five years.
from Times of India
from Times of India
B'luru: Covid doctor loses 28-day battle to virus
Dr Manjunath ST was on Covid-19 duty at Chikkamudavadi primary health centre in Kanakapura taluk, Ramanagara district, when he contracted the virus. He was the second member of his family to succumb to the virus; his father-in-law died two days ago.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: 46,000 cases takes tally past 12-lakh mark
India crossed the grim milestone of 12 lakh Covid-19 cases on Wednesday on the back of a record single-day peak which saw the 46,000-mark being breached for the first time even as the country’s cumulative death toll inched closer to the 30,000-figure. Stay with TOI for the latest developments
from Times of India
from Times of India
Gold, silver prices rise tracking global cues
Gold and silver rates were up in the initial trading session on Wednesday, tracking the trend in the international market. Gold futures were up 0.82 per cent or Rs 408 at Rs 49,935 per 10 grams. And, silver futures zoomed 5.37 per cent or Rs 3,078 to Rs 60,420 per kg.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Govt extends WFH norms for IT, ITes companies
The government on Tuesday said it has extended connectivity norms for work from home for IT and BPO companies till December 31. The time period for work from home was expiring on July 31.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
China insists on ‘package solution’ to resolve Bhutan border row
The renewed talk about a package solution has left many wondering if China is offering a new deal to Bhutan, after taking a maximalist position with its new claim in eastern Bhutan, and also using it to apply pressure on India.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'People more likely to contract Covid at home'
South Korean epidemiologists have found that people were more likely to contract Covid-19 from members of their own households than from outside contacts. A study looked at 5,706 index patients and over 59K people who came in contact with them to reveal just two out of 100 infected people had caught the virus from non-household contacts, while one in 10 got it from family.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Anti-CAA activist Sharjeel tests positive in jail
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Sharjeel Imam, who has been lodged in the Guwahati Central Jail on sedition charges after being accused of making inflammatory speeches at an anti-CAA protest last year, tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday.
from Times of India
from Times of India
फक्त ८७ सामन्यात घेतल्या ५०० विकेट!

नवी दिल्ली: क्रिकेटमध्ये फलंदाजांचे वर्चस्व असले तरी काही गोलंदाज असे आहेत ज्यांनी अनेक वर्ष आपला दबदबा कायम ठेवला. संघाच्या विजयात या गोलंदाजांनी महत्त्वाची अशी भूमिका पार पाडली आहे. जलद गोलंदाजांनी वेगाने तर फिरकीपटूंनी फिरकीने फलंदाजांना अडचणीत आणले. कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्वात यशस्वी ठरलेले आणि कमी डावात ५०० विकेट घेणाऱ्या गोलंदाजांच्या कामगिरीवर एक नजर... वाचा- कसोटी क्रिकेटच्या १४३ वर्षाच्या इतिहासात फक्त सहा गोलंदाज असे आहेत ज्यांनी ५०० पेक्षा जास्त विकेट घेतल्या. कमी डावात ५०० विकेट घेणाऱ्या गोलंदाजांच्या यादीत पाचव्या स्थानावर दोन गोलंदाज आहेत. वेस्ट इंडिजचा जलद गोलंदाज वॉल्शने कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्व प्रथम ५०० विकेट घेतल्या. ९०च्या दशकात वेस्ट इंडिजच्या गोलंदाजीची कमान वॉल्शकडे होती. तर इंग्लंडचा गोलंदाज जेम्स अॅडरसनने काही वर्षांपूर्वी ५०० विकेट घेण्याची कामगिरी पूर्ण केली. या दोन्ही गोलंदाजांनी १२९ कसोटीत ५०० विकेट घेतल्या. वॉल्शने दक्षिण आफ्रिकेविरुद्ध २००१ मध्ये तर अॅडरसनने २०१७ मध्ये वेस्ट इंडिज विरुद्ध ५०० विकेट पूर्ण केल्या. क्रिकेटमध्ये पदार्पण केल्यानंतर वॉल्शने १६ वर्ष १२८ दिवसांनी तर अॅडरसनने १४ वर्ष १०८ वर्षांनी ही कामगिरी केली. वॉल्शने कसोटीत ५१९ तर अॅडरसनने ५४८ विकेट घेतल्या. वाचा- सर्वात वेगाने ५०० विकेट घेणाऱ्या गोलंदाजांच्या यादीत ऑस्ट्रेलियाचा दिग्गज फलंदाज ग्लेन मॅग्राचा समावेश चौथ्या स्थानावर आहे. त्याने १२४ कसोटीत एकूम ५६३ विकेट घेतल्या. तर १००व्या कसोटीत ५०० विकेट घेण्याची कामगिरी केली. ही कामगिरी मॅग्राने इंग्लंड विरुद्ध अॅशेस मालिकेत केली होती. जगातील सर्वोत्तम संघाची निवड केल्यास त्यात ऑस्ट्रेलियाचा फिरकीपटू याचा समावेश नक्कीच होता. कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये ७०८ विकेट घेणाऱ्या वॉर्नने फिरकीच्या जोरावर फलंदाजांना नाचवले होते. त्याने श्रीलंकेविरुद्ध १०८व्या कसोटीत ५०० विकेट घेण्याची कामगिरी केली. वॉर्नने करिअरमध्ये ५७.४च्या सरासरीने विकेट घेतल्या. त्याने १४५ कसोटीत ३७ वेळा पाच तर १० वेळा १० विकेट घेण्याची कामगिरी केली. सर्वाधिक विकेट घेणाऱ्याच्या यादीत तो दुसऱ्या स्थानावर आहे. वाचा- जगातील अव्वल गोलंदाज शेन वॉर्न आणि यांच्यापेक्षा भारताच्या अनिल कुंबळेची शैली वेगळी होती. कुंबळेचा चेंडू वॉर्न आणि मुरली प्रमाणे वळत नसला तरी फलंदाजाला आपल्या जाळ्यात अडकवण्याचे कौशल्य त्याच्याकडे होते. कुंबळेने ५०० विकेटचा टप्पा १०५व्या कसोटीत पूर्ण केला. पदार्पणानंतर १५ वर्ष २१२ दिवसात त्याने ही कामगिरी केली. १३२ कसोटीत कुंबळेच्या नावावर ६१९ विकेट आहेत.५००च्या क्लबमध्ये समावेश झालेला तो एकमेव गोलंदाज आहे. कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्वाधिक विकेट घेणाऱ्या श्रीलंकेच्या मुथय्या मुरलीधरनने कसोटी फक्त ८७ कसोटीत ५०० विकेटचा टप्पा पूर्ण केला. सुरुवातीच्या काळात त्याची शैली वादग्रस्त ठरवण्यात आली. पण त्यातून तो बाहेर पडला. मुरलीने १३३ कसोटीत ८०० विकेट घेतल्या आहेत. क्रिकेटमध्ये पदार्पण केल्यानंतर त्याने ११ वर्ष आणि २०१ दिवसात ही कामगिरी केली होती. त्याने कसोटीत ६७ वेळा पाच तर २२ वेळा १० विकेट घेतल्या आहेत. आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेटमध्ये मुरलीच्या नावावर १ हजार ३४७ विकेट आहेत. यात कसोटीत ८००, वनडेत ५३४ आणि टी-२० मधील १३ विकेटचा समावेश आहे.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Kerala gold smuggling linked to ‘financing terror’?
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) in its remand note submitted to the special court here on Tuesday claimed that the four accused in the case were part of a larger conspiracy that aimed at financing terrorism in India. The NIA was seeking extension of custody of second accused Swapna Suresh and fourth accused Sandeep Nair.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Bengaluru: Migrant workers returning in style
A group of 60 migrant workers landed at the the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) a few days ago on a flight from Patna, strengthening a developing trend of workers ‘flying down’ to resume jobs they had lost during the lockdown or find new ones. All 60 were first-time flyers and their Seva Sindhu registration showed they had left Bengaluru on a Shramik train during the lockdown.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Jharkhand woman, 4 sons die of Covid in 14 days
A prominent business family from Dhanbad has been ravaged by the novel coronavirus, with the matriarch — an 89-year-old woman — and her four sons succumbing to the disease in 14 days. A fifth son lost his battle with cancer in the same period.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Best jewellery pieces to wear with ethnic wear
It’s a common scenario for women to wear Indian wear occasionally and then struggle finishing their look with jewellery that would go best with their outfit. To help you out of this fix, we got in touch with a jeweller and a stylist, and got them to share with us the best jewellery pieces to pair with ethnic wear.
from Times of India
from Times of India
This Indian IT co to hire 15,000 from campuses
HCL Technologies plans to hire 15,000 from campuses this fiscal, compared to 9,000 it hired last year, signalling a good deal pipeline. “Hiring is based on two parameters -- growth and backfilling we must do due to attrition. In the last quarter and in the current one, the attrition has come down significantly. This quarter, it looks like single-digit attrition," said HR head, Apparao VV.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Raj political crisis: Gehlot readies counter-strike against Pilot camp
Chief minister Ashok Gehlot called a cabinet meeting at his residence on Tuesday whose official agenda was to review the state’s Covid-19 situation and financial crisis, but sources said the cabinet discussed the present political crisis too and gave nod for calling a special session of the state assembly to pre-empt the opposition’s alleged moves to topple the govt.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Journalist shot in UP's Ghaziabad passes away
Journalist Vikram Joshi, who was shot at by unknown miscreants near his residence in Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad on June 20, breathed his last at a hospital, doctors said on Wednesday. A total of nine accused have been arrested in the matter and efforts to nab another accused are underway. Vikram was shot at after he registered a police complaint against the men harassing his niece.
from Times of India
from Times of India
IPL in UAE: BCCI awaits government nod
TOI understands that the Emirates Cricket Board (ECB) hasn't been "officially" notified on the matter yet as the said official letter is pending. A governing council meeting of the IPL is expected on July 24, following which an air of finality can prevail.
from Times of India
from Times of India
India's hiring sentiment picks up for Apr-Sept
The country’s recruiting sentiment has improved a little after the lockdown with an increased hiring intent for the first half of this fiscal, according to a report by staffing firm TeamLease, which covered over 800 firms across 21 sectors.
from Times of India
from Times of India
US leading the world in Covid-19 testing: Trump
The US is leading the world in terms of Covid-19 testing and India is at the second position, said US President Trump while giving an update on his administration's response to the pandemic. "We're going to be over 50 million tests," he said, adding that "second country is India with 12 million (tests)...I think that we are doing a tremendous amount of testing," he said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Virus in US will get worse before it gets better'
President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the “nasty horrible'” coronavirus will get worse in the US before it gets better, but he also tried to paint a rosy picture of efforts with governors to conquer the disease that has claimed more than 140,000 American lives in just five months.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Trump willing to work with China on Covid vaccine
US President Donald Trump expressed a willingness on Tuesday to work with China or other countries to bring a successful coronavirus vaccine to the United States, despite rising tensions between Beijing and Washington. "We're willing to work with anybody that is going to get us a good result," Trump said, when asked if the administration would collaborate with China on a vaccine for Americans, whether China is first to develop one or not.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Monday, July 20, 2020
Mom’s milk for baby from 1,000km away
Every day for the past three weeks, 31-year-old Jikmet Wangdu has been going to IGI Airport to collect an ice box that reaches him from Leh in Ladakh. The box making the 1,000-km journey each day contains breast milk sent by his wife for their 35-day-old son, who is undergoing treatment at Max Super Specialty Hospital in northwest Delhi’s Shalimar Bagh.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Sushant Singh Rajput's case: Film critic summoned
According to the latest reports, film critic Rajeev Masand was summoned by the Mumbai Police in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput's case.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Rahul takes dig at Centre's Aatmanirbhar campaign
Taking a dig at the Modi government, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday listed the alleged "attempt to topple" the government in Rajasthan and the "Namaste Trump" event as among the Centre's "achievements" in the Covid-19 era.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Passion becomes your Profession
MOONSHOT CONVERSATIONS Science Based Parenting to Optimise Child Potential Moonshot Conversations are a series of conversations with parents who are interes...
from Times of India
from Times of India
In signal to China, US & India conduct joint naval exercise
from Times of India
Live: HC hearing on Pilot's petition to resume today
The Rajasthan high court will on Tuesday resume hearing the petition filed by Sachin Pilot and 18 other dissident Congress MLAs, challenging the disqualification notices issued to them by the assembly Speaker. Stay with TOI for live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: Punjab Board Class 12 results shortly
Punjab 12th Result: PSEB on Monday announced that the results of PSEB 12th Board Exams 2020 will be uploaded on the board’s website, on July 21 by 11 am.
from Times of India
from Times of India
In signal to China, US & India conduct joint naval exercise

via Times of India
Airborne transmission of Covid possible, wear masks: CSIR
Amid recent acknowledgement from the World Health Organisation (WHO) over emerging evidence of airborne spread of the novel coronavirus, the head of India’s premier R&D body has said that airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is indeed a “distinct possibility” and suggested wearing masks even in “enclosed” spaces.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Advani, Joshi invited for Ayodhya ‘bhoomi pujan’
Frontline leaders of the Ram temple movement, including L K Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi, are among the invitees for the "bhoomi pujan" in Ayodhya on August 5, which is likely to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Other invitees include RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, Union home minister Amit Shah, defence minister Rajnath Singh, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar and Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: 37K new Covid cases take India's total to 11.55L
Spike of 37,148 cases and 587 deaths reported in India in the last 24 hours, taking the total toll at 11,55,191 in the country. The number of people who have recovered from the infection crossed 7.2 lakh even as active cases went past 4 lakh. Stay here for all updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Cognizant ropes in former US govt IT leader
Cognizant has brought in a new technology leader who will report directly to CEO Brian Humphries. Anil Cheriyan, who was director of the US federal govt's technology transformation services, and prior to that with SunTrust Banks and IBM, will be executive vice president of strategy and technology effective August 3. He will be part of Cognizant’s executive committee.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Madhya Pradesh guv Lalji Tandon passes away
Madhya Pradesh governor Lalji Tandon passed away on Tuesday. Tandon, 85, had been undergoing treatment at a Lucknow hospital since June 11. Tandon was admitted to the hospital after complaining of breathing problems, difficulty in urination and fever. PM Modi took to Twitter to offer his tribute to late BJP leader thanking him for his untiring efforts to serve society.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Scaled-down hajj pilgrimage to start from July 29
This year's hajj, which has been scaled back dramatically to include only around 1,000 Muslim pilgrims as Saudi Arabia battles a coronavirus surge, will begin on July 29. Some 2.5 million people from all over the world usually participate in the ritual. This year's hajj will follow strict hygiene protocols, with access limited to pilgrims under 65 years old.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Scaled-down hajj pilgrimage to start from July 29
This year's hajj, which has been scaled back dramatically to include only around 1,000 Muslim pilgrims as Saudi Arabia battles a coronavirus surge, will begin on July 29, authorities said Monday. Some 2.5 million people from all over the world usually participate in the ritual. This year's hajj will be held under strict hygiene protocols, with access limited to pilgrims under 65 years old and without any chronic illnesses
from Times of India
from Times of India
There’ll be no recalculation of telcos’ AGR dues: SC
India’s big telecom players, except Jio, pleaded before the Supreme Court on Monday for a staggered payment of adjusted gross revenue (AGR) dues over 15 years after the apex court scotched their mild attempts for recalculation of the Rs 1.6 lakh crore claimed by the department of telecommunications (DoT).
from Times of India
from Times of India
ICC postpones T20 World Cup due to Covid -19
Almost 50 days after the International Cricket Council’s (ICC) board of directors first met to take a call on this year’s T20 World Cup, an official decision has finally been made. The game’s governing body sent out a statement on Monday that read: “The ICC Men’s T20 World Cup in Australia 2020 has been postponed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.”
from Times of India
from Times of India
'हा' आहे वनडे क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्वाधिक चौकार मारणारा संघ!

नवी दिल्ली: क्रिकेटमध्ये सुरूवातीचा काळ हा इंग्लंड आणि ऑस्ट्रेलिया यांच्या लढतीचा होता. या दोन्ही संघांनी क्रिकेटवर बरीच वर्ष वचस्व ठेवले होते. त्यानंतर वेस्ट इंडिज, मग भारत आदी संघांनी इंग्लंड आणि ऑस्ट्रेलियाला कट्टर देण्यास सुरूवात केली. वनडेतील सर्वोत्तम संघ मानला जातो. सध्या विराट कोहलीच्या नेतृत्वाखाली भारतीय संघ शानदार कामगिरी करत आहे. त्याआधी महेंद्र सिंह धोनीच्या नेतृत्वाखाली टीम इंडियामध्ये मोठे बदल झाले. धोनीच्या आधी असा बदल सौरव गांगुलीच्या नेतृत्वाखाली झाला. वाचा- आयसीसीचे स्पर्धांचे विजेतेपद मिळवणाऱ्या टीम इंडियाने एका पेक्षा एक फलंदाज दिले आहेत. भारतीय संघात आक्रमक फलंदाजांची कमी नाही. वनडे क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्वाधिक चौकार मारणाऱ्या संघाचा विचार केल्यास भारतीय संघ सर्वात आघाडीवर आहे. वनडे क्रिकेटच्या इतिहासात भारतीय संघाने सर्वात जास्त चौकार मारले आहेत. वाचा- भारतीय संघाने आतापर्यंत १८ हजार ३०० चौकार मारले आहेत. तर आयसीसी वनडे वर्ल्ड कपचे सर्वाधिक वेळा विजेतेपद मिळवणाऱ्या ऑस्ट्रेलियाच्या संघाने आतापर्यंत १६ हजार ६९७ चौकार मारले आहेत. या यादीत तिसऱ्या स्थानावर पाकिस्तानचा संघ आहे. त्यांनी १५ हजार ६७३ चौकार मारले आहेत. त्यानंतर श्रीलंकेचा क्रमांक येतो. त्यांनी १४ हजार ६१७ मारलेत. तर वेस्ट इंडिजने १३ हजार ७०६ आणि इंग्लंडने १३ हजार ५०६ चौकार मारलेत. वाचा- याच बरोबर क्रिकेटमध्ये पहिल्या चेंडूवर चौकार मारण्याचा विक्रम भारताच्या विरेंद्र सेहवागच्या नावावर आहे. सेहवागने ५४ वेळा पहिल्या चेंडूवर चौकार मारला आहे. यात कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये २५ वेळा पहिल्या चेंडूवर चौकार मारला. वनडे क्रिकेटमध्ये २६ वेळा तर टी-२० क्रिकेटमध्ये ३ वेळा अशी कामगिरी केली. त्याने भारताकडून १०४ कसोटी सामन्यात २३ शतकांसह ८ हजार ५८६ धावा केल्या. यात ३१९ ही त्याची सर्वोच्च धाव संख्या आहे. तर २५१ वनडेत ८ हजार २७३ धावा केल्या. वनडेत २१९ ही त्याची सर्वोच्च खेळी आहे. टी-२०त १९ सामन्यात त्याने ३९४ धावा केल्या. वाचा- मारणारे संघ १) भारत- १८ हजार ३०० २) ऑस्ट्रेलिया- १६ हजार ६९७ ३) पाकिस्तान- १५ हजार ६७३ पहिल्या चेंडूवर सर्वाधिक वेळा चौकार मारणारा सेहवाग कसोटी- २५ वनडे-२६ टी २०- ३
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Sunday, July 19, 2020
India to emerge from worst of Covid-19 by mid-Oct
Over the past 4 months, India has been in the grips of a pandemic that has uprooted the livelihoods of millions, impacting the economy adversely. Amid all th...
from Times of India
from Times of India
टी-२० वर्ल्ड कपसाठी आज हाय व्होल्टेज बैठक; IPLचे काय होणार?

दुबई: आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट परिषदेची () आज सोमवारी ऑनलाइन बैठक होणार आहे. या बैठकीत या वर्षाच्या अखेरीस होणाऱ्या आयसीसी बाबत निर्णय होण्याची दाट शक्यता आहे. गेल्या काही बैठकीमध्ये आयसीसीने याबाबत निर्णय घेण्याचे टाळले होते. आता मात्र आयसीसीला याबाबत निर्णय घ्यावाच लागेल. आयसीसीच्या या निर्णयावर सर्वात जास्त लक्ष असेल ते बीसीसीआयचे कारण जर आयसीसीने ही स्पर्धा स्थगित केली तर IPLचा मार्ग मोकळा होईल. वाचा- आयसीसी टी-२० वर्ल्ड कपचे आयोजन ऑस्ट्रेलियात १८ ऑक्टोबर ते १५ नोव्हेंबर या काळात होणार आहे. पण ऑस्ट्रेलियातील व्हिक्टोरिया राज्यात करोना व्हायरस बाधित रुग्णांची संख्या वाढत चालली आहे. करोना रुग्णांची वाढणारी संख्या लक्षात घेता ऑस्ट्रेलियाने मे महिन्यातच वर्ल्ड कप आयोजन करण्यास असमर्थता व्यक्त केली होती. वाचा- भारतात देखील करोना रुग्णांची संख्या १० लाखाच्या पुढे गेली आहे. तर मृतांची संख्या २६ हजाराच्या पुढे आहे. अशात आयपीएलचे आयोजन करायचे असेल तर त्याला केंद्र सरकारची परवानगी लागेल. किंवा मग ही स्पर्धा बाहेरच्या देशात आयोजित करता येईल. आयपीएलच्या आयोजनासाठी पहिले पाऊल होते की आशिया कप स्पर्धा स्थगित होण्याचे, आता आयसीसीने टी-२० वर्ल्ड कप स्थगित झाल्यास आम्हाला या योजनेवर काम करता येईल, असे बीसीसीआयच्या एका अधिकाऱ्याने सांगितले. वाचा- या वर्षी होणारी टी-२० स्पर्धा ऑस्ट्रेलियात २०२२ साली आयोजित करण्याची शक्यता आहे. कारण भारतात २०२१ साली वर्ल्ड कप होणार आहे. ऑस्ट्रेलियाने खेळाडूंना वर्ल्ड कपच्या ऐवजी सप्टेंबर महिन्यात होणाऱ्या इंग्लंड विरुद्धच्या वनडे मालिकेची तयारी करण्यास सांगितले होते. गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून बीसीसीआयने आयपीएलच्या आयोजनाची तयारी सुरू केली आहे. सूत्रांनी दिलेल्या माहितीनुसार युएईमध्ये आयपीएलचे आयोजन होऊ शकते. वाचा- आयपीएलच्या आयोजनासाठी युएई आणि श्रीलंकेने उत्सुकता दाखवली होती. पण बीसीसीआयची पहिली पसंद युएई असल्याचे समजते. ही स्पर्धा आर्थिक कारणासाठी बीसीसीआयला गरजेची आहे. जर स्पर्धा झाली नाहीतर बीसीसीआयला कोट्यवधीचे नुकसान होऊ शकते.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Karan Johar's throwback 'done with Kangana Ranaut playing the victim card' interview goes viral on the internet
from Times of India
India, US warships to conduct drills amid LAC row
In a strong strategic signal to China, a US carrier strike group led by the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is set to conduct an exercise with Indian warships near the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. The PASSEX (passing exercise) between the two navies, comes after the mammoth nuclear-powered USS Nimitz and her accompanying warships entered the Indian Ocean on Saturday.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: Over 40k cases, India's Covid tally tops 11L
More than 40,000 fresh Covid-19 infections were reported on Sunday, capping India’s deadliest week of the Covid-19 pandemic so far during which 2.38 lakh cases were reported. As many as 673 deaths were reported on Sunday, taking the week’s toll to 4,285 — 16% of all Covid-19-related fatalities so far. Stay here for all live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Karan Johar's throwback 'done with Kangana Ranaut playing the victim card' interview goes viral on the internet

via Times of India
This could be Infy's biggest ever signed deal
The multi-year deal Infosys won from US investment firm Vanguard is worth $1.5 billion, say sources close to the development. This will perhaps make it the biggest deal Infosys has ever signed.
from Times of India
from Times of India
National sports camps will go on: Kiren Rijiju
Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju spoke to The Times of India on how the government plans to prepare its Olympic-bound athletes despite the rise in number of Covid-19 cases countrywide.
from Times of India
from Times of India
BCCI eyes IPL from Sept 26 to Nov 8
The Indian Premier League finally has a tentative schedule. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) wants the league to begin on September 26 and conclude on November 8 — a period of 44 days to host 60 games. Broadcaster Star India and the franchises are reported to have reservations about this ‘constricted scheduling’.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Will IPL 2020 enjoy a Diwali bash?
While the industry and the IPL ecosystem in general is “delighted” that the league will go ahead, most likely from September 26 to November 8, there are those questioning the tentative scheduling and the logic, or the lack of it, in IPL missing out on the Diwali week.
from Times of India
from Times of India
धीम्यागतीने शतक करणारे फलंदाज; या खेळाडूने घेतले ४१९ चेंडू!

नवी दिल्ली: वेस्ट इंडिज आणि इंग्लंड यांच्यात दुसरा कसोटी सामना सध्या सुरू आहे. इंग्लंडकडून बेन स्टोक्सने करिअरमधील १०वे शतक झळकावले. स्टोक्सने १७६ धावा केल्या. यामुळे इंग्लंडने पहिल्या डावात ९ बाद ४६९ धावा करता आल्या. स्टोक्सने शतक पूर्ण करण्यासाठी २५६ चेंडूचा सामना केला. त्याचे कसोटी करिअरमधील हे सर्वात धीम्यागतीने केलेले शतक ठरले. वाचा- कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये असे अनेक क्रिकेटपटू आहेत ज्यांनी धीम्यागतीने शतक केले. स्टोक्सच्या या धीम्या शतकाच्या निमित्ताने जाणून घेऊयात कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये सर्वात धीम्यागतीने शतक करणारे पाच फलंदाज... थिलन समरवीरा (श्रीलंका): धीम्यागतीने शतक करणाऱ्या फलंदाजांमध्ये पाचव्या स्थानी लंकेचा थिलन समरवीरा. त्याने २००३-०४ मध्ये इंग्लंडविरुद्ध कोलंबो कसोटीत ३४५ चेंडूत शतक केले. या सामन्यात त्याने ४०८ चेंडूत १४२ धावा केल्या. हा सामना श्रीलंकेने एक डाव आणि २१५ धावांनी जिंकला. वाचा- जिम्मी अॅडम्स (वेस्ट इंडिज): २००० साली झिम्बाब्वेविरुद्ध किंग्सटन कसोटीत जिम्मीने ३६५ चेंडूत शतक केले. या सामन्यात वेस्ट इंडिजच्या पहिल्या डावात जिम्मीने ३७२ चेंडूत नाबाद १०१ धावा केल्या. हा सामना वेस्ट इंडिजने १० विकेटनी जिंकला. क्लाइव्ह राडली (इंग्लंड): न्यूझीलंडविरद्ध १९७८ साली झालेल्या ऑकलंड कसोटी सामन्यात इंग्लंडच्या क्लाइव्ह राडलीने ३९६ चेंडूत शतक पूर्ण केले. त्याने ५२४ चेंडूत १५८ धावा केल्या. हा कसोटी सामना ड्रॉ झाला. न्यूझीलंडविरुद्धच्या या सामन्यात क्लाइव्ह तिसऱ्या क्रमांकावर फलंदाजी करण्यास आले होते. (भारत): १९९२ साली झिम्बाब्वेविरुद्ध हरारे कसोटी सामन्यात भारताच्या संजय मांजरेकरने ३९७ चेंडूत शतक केले. मांजरेकर यांनी ९ तास फलंदाजी केली या सामन्यात झिम्बाब्वेच्या संघाने शानदार कामगिरी केली होती. प्रथम फलंदाजी करत त्यांनी ४५६ धावा केल्या होत्या. भारताची अवस्था ५ बाद १०४ झाली होती. तेव्हा मांजरेकर यांनी कपिल देव सोबत मॅरेथॉन खेळी केली. मांजरेकर यांनी ४२२ चेंडूत १०४ धावा केल्या. हा सामना ड्रॉ झाला होता. (पाकिस्तान): कसोटी सर्वात धीम्यागतीने शतक करण्याचा विक्रम पाकिस्तानच्या मुदस्सर नझर यांच्या नावावर आहे. १९७७ साली इंग्लंडविरुद्ध लाहोर कसोटीत त्यांनी ४१९ चेंडूत १०० धावा केल्या. या सामन्यात पाकिस्तानचा विकेट वेगाने पाडत होत्या. तेव्हा नझर यांनी धीमी फलंदाजी केली. ते ५९१ मिनिट फलंदाजी करत होते. हा सामना देखील ड्रॉ झाला. 
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Police dog sniffs out killer after 12km run in 2 hrs
In a first of its kind, sniffer dog Tunga travelled 12km in over 2 hours from a crime scene to track down the accused., perhaps the longest such trail in recent times.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Hyd: ASI who died of Covid tested -ve four times
An assistant sub-inspector succumber to Covid-19 on Friday night after undergoing treatment for five days. The officer had tested negative on four occasions last month. The 55-year-old ASI did not know he was suffering from Covid-19 as the test results were declared after his death.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Fake Covid drug racket busted in Gujarat
We have heard of misuse or black marketing of the lifesaving drug tocilizumab — that calms an overreacting body’s immune system in Covid patients
from Times of India
from Times of India
VW Polo still relevant in world of connected cars?
Volkswagen updated the Polo to meet the BS6 compliance. In the process, Polo received a brand-new engine along with a manual gearbox. What has not changed though is the design, features and safety. Does Polo still make sense in ever growing world of connected cars? Watch review to find out:
from Times of India
from Times of India
BCCIमध्ये चाललय तरी काय? आणखी एकाचा राजीनामा

मुंबई: भारतीय क्रिकेट नियामक मंडळाचे सीईओ यांचा राजीनामा काही दिवसांपूर्वी मंजूर करण्यात आला होता. त्यांनी २७ डिसेंबर रोजी राजीनामा दिला होता. आता बीसीसीआयमधील आणखी एका अधिकाऱ्याने राजीनामा दिल्याचे वृत्त समोर येत आहे. वाचा- माजी क्रिकेटपटू आणि बोर्डाचे संचालक यांनी राजीनामा दिला आहे. यासंदर्भात अधिकृत घोषणा लवकरच केली जाईल. करीम डिसेंबर २०१७ साली बोर्डाच्या कामकाजात आले होते. तत्कालीन सीईओ जोहरी यांच्यासोबत मिळून करीम यांनी अनेक नियुक्त्या केल्या होत्या. वाचा- काही दिवसांपूर्वी बीसीसीआयने जोहरी यांचा राजीनामा अचानक मंजूर केला होता. त्यांनी राजीनामा देऊन सहा महिने झाले होते. बीसीसीआयने अचानक राजीनामा का स्विकारला हे समजू शकले नाही. जोहरी यांचा करार २०२१ पर्यंत होता. सौरव गांगुली अध्यक्ष झाल्यानंतर जोहरी यांनी राजीनामा दिला होता. जोहरी यांचा राजीनामा स्विकारल्यानंतर एका आठवड्यात करीम बीसीसीआयच्या बाहेर का पडले? यामागचे कारण काय? कोण जबाबदार? याबद्दल अद्याप काही समजू शकले नाही. वाचा- ५२ वर्षीय सबा करीम यांनी निवड समितीत देखील काम केले आहे. त्यांनी भारतीय संघाकडून १ कसोटी आणि ३४ वनडे खेळल्या. प्रथम श्रेणीत त्यांनी १२० सामन्यातून ७ हजार ३१० धावा केल्या त्यात २२ शतक आणि ३३ अर्धशतकांचा समावेश होता. वाचा-
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
How Bengaluru lost the pandemic plot
From being a role model in Covid-19 management to a dreaded city where patients are desperately waiting for ambulances and hospital beds, Bengaluru has been caught flat-footed due to lack of coordination among government agencies and ministers. The state government on Saturday replaced BBMP commissioner BH Anil Kumar with his predecessor N Manjunath Prasad in a bid to fix the mess. STOI examines the main reasons behind the faltering outbreak response.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Giving wings to a homemaker’s dreams: Britannia Marie Gold’s’ My Start Up’ initiative is changing lives

via Times of India
Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla calls Shehnaz Gill's song 'bakwaas'; she replies saying, 'kya baat hai, sahi hai'

via Times of India
Giving wings to a homemaker’s dreams: Britannia Marie Gold’s’ My Start Up’ initiative is changing lives
from Times of India
Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla calls Shehnaz Gill's song 'bakwaas'; she replies saying, 'kya baat hai, sahi hai'
from Times of India
Saba Karim quits as BCCI General Manager
Karim had come on board in December 2017, with the then CEO Rahul Johri presiding over the appointment. Karim's exit from the BCCI comes a week after the board accepted Johri's resignation. Details of Karim's exit and about who will take over his responsibilities going forward haven't been discussed yet.
from Times of India
from Times of India
BCCI prunes domestic calendar amid Covid-19
The Ranji Trophy and the Under-19 Vinoo Mankad Trophy are the only two domestic tournaments that will be played in the country this coming season as India, along with the rest of the world, tries to escape a relentless pandemic.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Woman told to pay for undisclosed amt in Swiss a/c
Taxmen are elated over a recent order of the Income-Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT)’s Mumbai bench, which has confirmed the addition of an undisclosed income of Rs 196 crore — the peak deposit in a Swiss bank account — in the hands of an elderly taxpayer who was its “beneficial” owner. Now, tax plus penalties will be payable on this unaccounted income.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'India to have net inbound migration of 2.5L by 2050'
Amid changing age profiles, declining fertility rates and economic progress, India is likely to see a significant shift in the migration scenario in the decades to come with the current net outflow of around 5 lakh people in 2018 getting reversed by 2050 with a net inbound migration of around two and a half lakh.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Lower courts heard 7.3 lakh cases online'
Law, communications and IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Saturday said the digital infrastructure in the country has helped provide a variety of e-governance and direct transfer services during the Covid-19 pandemic, with subordinate courts too handling over 7.3 lakh cases virtually.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Maha boy’s bid to meet girl in Pak ends in Guj
In an incident that could be stuff for a Bollywood potboiler, love almost transcended boundaries, literally, when a 20-year-old mechanical engineering student from Osmanabad in Maharashtra attempted to sneak into Pakistan on foot to meet a young Pakistani woman he had befriended on social media but fell short of making it across the border at Gujarat.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Ram Temple Trust meet today to decide ‘pujan’ date
In what may expedite the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya, the Ram Janmabhoomi Teerath Kshetra Trust has called a crucial meeting to finalise the date of 'bhoomipujan' to start the ambitious project. This would be the first key meeting of the trust in Ayodhya, nearly eight months after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Ram Temple.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Mindblowing pics of places around the world
Mindblowing pics of places around the world
from Times of India
from Times of India
Friday, July 17, 2020
Hackers manipulated staff credentials: Twitter
Social media giant Twitter on Saturday said that cyber attackers targeted some of its employees through a social engineering scheme and used their credentials to access its internal systems for hacking multiple accounts in the Bitcoin scam.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Roshni Nadar takes over from father at HCL
Roshni Nadar-Malhotra replaced her father Shiv Nadar on Friday as the chairperson of the $9.9-billion HCL, the company that her father founded in 1976. Nadar-Malhotra, 38, has become the first woman chairperson of an Indian IT services company. HCL is today the third largest in the industry, after TCS and Infosys, and has been among the fastest growing for many years now.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Dubey aide’s wife may turn approver, gets cop cover
While slain gangster Vikas Dubey’s wife Richa was let off after a five-hour interrogation, Manu — wife of an arrested henchman Sashikant Pandey — is suddenly holding centrestage in police investigations after the surfacing of back-to-back audio clips in which she was purportedly heard mobilizing menfolk to take sniper position on rooftops and conniving with the don and misleading cops.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Marriott on Wheels, the new gamechanger
There was a time, in the not too distant past, when balmy Sunday brunches meant languorous hours by the pool, nibbling on delectable kathi rolls, biting into...
from Times of India
from Times of India
Live: Attackers manipulated staff, says Twitter
Stay here for real-time updates on breaking news from India and across the world that you can't miss
from Times of India
from Times of India
India’s firm message to China: Pullback of troops is non-negotiable
from Times of India
UK police suspend officer in 'get off my neck' arrest
British police on Friday suspended an officer after video emerged showing a man in north London being detained using techniques "not taught in police training". Footage posted on social media showed the man being held on the ground shouting: "Get off my neck."
from Times of India
from Times of India
COVID-19 positive Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya shifted to Nanavati hospital

via Times of India
COVID-19 positive Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya shifted to Nanavati hospital
from Times of India
Live: Daily rise of 35k+ this wk, active cases surge
Fresh Covid-19 cases reported in the country remained above 35,000 for the second day running even as 671 deaths were added to the toll on Friday, taking the total deaths past 26,000. Active coronavirus cases across the country crossed the 3.5 lakh mark while total recoveries from the disease went past 6.5 lakh, representing nearly 63% of the total cases. Stay here for all live updates
from Times of India
from Times of India
Terrorists could target Amarnath Yatra: Army officer
Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir have inputs about terrorists planning to carry out an attack on Amarnath Yatra but asserted that "systems and resources" were in place to ensure that the annual pilgrimage goes on unhindered. He said the stretch of national highway 44 which will be used by the yatris continue to remain sensitive.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Before death, Dubey fired 9 rounds, hit 3 policemen
Miraculously remaining unhurt in a overturned vehicle, gangster Vikas Dubey had snatched a pistol from the four policemen who lost consciousness being injured in the accident and fired nine rounds at Special Task Force policemen, hitting three of them before being killed in the return fire, UP government informed the Supreme Court on Friday.
from Times of India
from Times of India
3 terrorists killed in encounter in J&K's Amshipora
Three terrorists have been killed in an ongoing encounter at Amshipora area of Shopian, said Defence Public Relations Officer (PRO) Srinagar. The operation is still in progress. An encounter began between security forces and terrorists at Amshipora area in Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian in early hours of Saturday.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Not on talking terms with Pilot for 1.5 years'
Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday claimed that his former deputy Sachin Pilot had begun plotting the fall of his government from its inception and that “they were not on talking terms for the last one-and-a-half years”. He claimed Pilot has been playing the victim card and had unnecessarily made the state Special Operation Group (SOG) notice to him an issue. Notices were issued to 10-12 MLAs, he said.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Woman catches daughter-in-law with boyfriend
A 55-year-old woman who works in Civil Hospital lodged a complaint against her daughter-in-law and her alleged boyfriend on Wednesday.
from Times of India
from Times of India
२००७ टी-२० वर्ल्ड कप: पाकविरुद्ध बॉल आउटसाठी म्हणून सेहवाग, उथप्पाची निवड केली!

नवी दिल्ली: भारत आणि पाकिस्तान यांच्यातील सामन्यात खेळाडूंवर प्रचंड तणाव असतो. जेव्हा सामना वर्ल्ड कपमधील असतो तेव्हा तर त्याकडे संपूर्ण जगाचे लक्ष असते. २००७ साली आयसीसी टी-२० वर्ल्ड कपमध्ये भारत आणि पाकिस्तान यांच्यातील सामन्याचा निकाल बॉल आऊटवर लागला होता. या भारतीय गोलंदाजाने सर्व चेंडू विकेटवर मारले तर पाकिस्तानला एकही चेंडू विकेटवर मारता आला नाही. या घटनेबद्दल तेव्हाचे गोलंदाजीचे प्रशिक्षक आणि भारताचे माजी गोलंदाज यांनी मोठा खुलासा केला. भारताच फिरकीपटू आर.अश्विन याच्या सोबत यूट्यूब शो डीआरएस विथ अॅश मध्ये बोलताना प्रसाद म्हणाले, आम्ही वर्ल्ड कपमधील नियमांचे पालन केले. जेव्हा टी-२० सामना होतो. तेव्हा सुपर ओव्हरच्या नियमांचा आम्ही अभ्यास केला होता. आम्ही फलंदाज आणि गोलंदाज यांच्याकडून नेटमध्ये याचा सराव करून घेतला. संघात असे खेळाडू होते जे फलंदाजी आणि गोलंदाजी देखील करू शकत होते. यात एम.एस.धोनी, विरेंद्र सेहवगा, रॉबिन उथप्पा यांचा समावेश होता. वाचा- मला माहित होते की कोण विकेटवर बॉल मारू शकतो. म्हणूनच सेहवाग, उथप्पा आणि हरभजनकडून गोलंदाजी करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. आम्हाला वाटले नव्हते की, मॅच बॉल आउटमध्ये जाईल. तो मोठा सामना होता आणि मी धोनीला पटवून दिले की हे तीन खेळाडू बॉल आउटमध्ये चेंडू विकेटवर मारतील. सेहवाग आणि उथप्पा यांना गोलंदाजी देण्याचा निर्णय माझा होता. याचे सर्वात महत्त्वाचे कारण म्हणजे हे दोघेही धीम्यागतीने गोलंदाजी करतात. त्यामुळे चेंडू नियंत्रणात असतो, असे प्रसादने सांगितले. मध्ये भारताने पाकिस्तानचा दोन वेळा पराभव केला होता. पहिला ग्रुप स्टेजमध्ये तर नंतर अंतिम सामन्यात पराभव करत पहिला टी-२० वर्ल्ड कप जिंकला होता. वाचा- तेव्हा वाटले सोहेलने कानाखाली मारली १९९६च्या वर्ल्ड कप स्पर्धेत भारत आणि पाकिस्तान यांच्या लढतीत एक घटना घडली होती. पाकचा सलामीवीर आमिर सोहेल याने भारताचा गोलंदाज प्रसादला चिढवले होते. पाकिस्तानची फलंदाजी सुरू असताना आमिरने प्रसादच्या चेंडूवर कव्हर्सवर एक शानदार चौकार मारला. चौकार मारल्यानंतर सोहेलने प्रसादकडे पाहून इशारा केला की, मी अशाच पद्धतीने तुझ्या चेंडूवर चौकार मारेन. पण प्रसादने पुढच्या चेंडूवर सोहेलची बोल्ड घेतली आणि चोख उत्तर दिले. वाचा- भारतीय गोलंदाज आर. अश्विन याच्यासोबत बोलताना वेंकटेश प्रसादने १९९६च्या वर्ल्ड कपमधील त्या घटनेबद्दल सांगितले. जेव्हा सोहेलने माझ्या चेंडूवर चौकार मारला आणि इशारा करून सांगितले तेव्हा वाटले की कोणी तरी मला कानाखाली मारली आहे. सोहेलने केलेली स्लेजिंग माझ्यासाठी कानाखाली मारल्या प्रमाणे होती.
from Cricket News in Marathi, क्रिकेट न्यूज़, क्रिकेट ताज्या बातम्या, Marathi Cricket News
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Edu, marriage can wait, now it’s time to save
Middle-class Indians, who were until last year worried about savings for their children’s education or marriage, are now more concerned about immediate health expenditure or loss of income following a pink slip at the workplace.
from Times of India
from Times of India
'Why am I being humiliated?' Dutee questions govt
According to Dutee, the Facebook post put out by her was wrongly viewed in order to spread "negativity" and create a "controversy", which boiled over to the point that the state government reacted strongly by releasing the financial details of the double Asian Games medallist.
from Times of India
from Times of India
Time for world to push back against China: US
The time has come for the world to push back against the challenge posed by the Chinese Communist Party, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said as he contended that the US "slept on this threat for too long." Pompeo also said the Chinese government was aware of human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus before they shared this information with the world.
from Times of India
from Times of India
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BJP’s Rajya Sabha strength falls below 100; may rise soon
A month after touching the mark of 100 seats for the first time in Rajya Sabha, BJP’s numerical strength has come down to 95 as five of its ...
सिडनी: भारतीय संघातील अनुभवी अष्टपैलू खेळाडू () याला ऑस्ट्रेलियाविरुद्धच्या तिसऱ्या कसोटीत दुखापत झाली. त्यामुळे तो दुसऱ्या डावात गोलंदाज...
As per pre-departure requirement for UAE travelers, the three, including 13-week pregnant Rukhsar, took Rapid RT-PCR tests outside KIA and s...